How FP&A Can Help CROs Manage Sales Performance

Table of Contents

Help CRO and Sales Team Leaders win

Do you want to business partner with your CRO and Sales Team leaders?

Then help them do their job.

What’s your Sales Team’s job?

To hit their sales quota (aka sell stuff).

We’ve business partnered with several CROs across different industries.

Tune in to learn how we helped them sell stuff.

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Selling Is a Daily Job

Your Sales Team is busy every single day:

  • Calling prospects
  • Negotiating back and forth
  • Writing up contracts
  • Closing deals

And all that activity must be tracked daily to understand if quota targets are being met.

Let’s dive in to learn how to do just that with the help of a universal dashboard.

🔥Pre-read: Learn how to create the QTD sales dashboard step-by-step.

Show Notes

  • 00:20 – Everyone loves a good dashboard, including your CRO
  • 01:35 – Sales is the lifeblood of your company
  • 02:58 – FP&A provides visibility into target achievement
  • 04:00 – A simple line chart can help make in-quarter decisions
  • 05:15 – Daily selling performance analysis helps prevent surprises
  • 06:50 – There is SO MUCH data—help make it useful for leadership
  • 08:20 – Create a sales data anchor that connects units and price metrics
  • 10:30 – Create a data bank to define what is measured and its’ source
  • 12:00 – Automate your reporting with software
  • 12:55 – Build in the ability to double-click your dashboard for details
  • 13:42 – You can become your CRO’s best FP&A friend

What is Sales?

Sales = cash for your business.

It’s when a customer pays your company money in exchange for a good or service.

This money is what pays the bills (including your salary).

That’s why companies need sales to survive.

Why are Sales Important?

Sales are the lifeblood of a company.

No sales means no revenue and no profit.

Helping your Sales Team sell enough to hit your targets is critical:

  • To ensure your bills can be paid
  • To protect long-term company growth
  • To maximize bonus and commission payments

Everyone in your company has a vested interest in your Sales Team’s success.

Ways to Help Your CRO (and CFO) Succeed

Your CRO’s mission is to sell, sell, sell.

And not just sell any amount.

They need to hit their sales quota (aka sales target).

Which can sometimes be scary big.

Help your CRO and Sales Team hit their quota by doing a few things:

  • Visualize daily sales performance vs target using a dashboard
  • Automate the creation and delivery of that dashboard
  • Set rescheduled performance reviews with your Sales Team

Doing these things will help you contribute to your Sales Team’s quota achievement.

And added bonus, your CFO will want access to that dashboard too.

You’re building relationships with two executives using one dashboard.

Check out these resources for other ways to help your company achieve its sales target:

🔥TIP #1: Analyzing white space

🔥TIP #2: Nailing down your pricing strategy

🔥TIP #3: Standing up a deal desk

Conclusion: You Can Have a Direct Impact on Your Company’s Sales Performance

Sales and FP&A Teams have different skill sets.

And you can help bring the two together to achieve even the most audacious sales targets.

This will help you build serious street cred with your CRO and Sales Team.

Which contributes to your growing network of satisfied business partners that know who you are and what you’re capable of. 💪

Keep learning and having fun.

Stay tuned for our upcoming podcast episodes.

We’ve got many more in the pipeline.

Have any suggestions or ideas you want us to cover? Reply to this with them. We read and reply to every email.

Now go have fun making an impact on your business and your career!

See you next week 👊

Drew & Yarty
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