Boosting FP&A Careers: The Power of Internships

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Want to increase your chances of being successful in your FP&A career?

Land an internship to get real experience.

And hire interns often to find the best talent.

Before we became CFOs and founders, we started as interns. 😲

Hear our internship stories and how it helped shape our FP&A careers.

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Internships are FP&A Career Cheat Codes

Internships give those just starting out a head start over those with only an education.


Because they have first-hand experience, even if it’s just inputting data cells.

And hiring interns makes future job openings super easy to fill because you have interns who have the (potential) ability do the job waiting to apply.

Seem too good to be true?

Let’s dive in.

Show Notes

  • 00:15 – Internships are an FP&A career cheat code
  • 01:50 – Internships help you compete against the best
  • 03:30 – How the fastest person in Excel got their start
  • 05:45 – Learn Excel AND walk the production floor
  • 08:05 – Internships are the most thorough interview process
  • 11:05 – Yarty got his edge by putting himself out there AND following up
  • 13:10 – Careers are daunting—internships are great stepping stones
  • 15:00 – Closing thoughts and why internships are freaking awesome

What is an Internship?

School and education are important.

But the real world of FP&A jobs is a whole different animal.

Do you know what the best way to learn a job is?

Doing the actual job (insert internship).

Internships offer students the chance to gain experience in short-term jobs.

Why do Internships and Interns Matter?

How do you know if you like a career if you’ve never worked in it?

That’s a big roll of the dice.

Same with hiring.

Does a 1-hour interview guarantee someone can do the job?

What about personality and culture fit?

Instead, try hiring an intern or someone with internship experience first.

You’ll spend more time with them than your family (sad but true during work days).

And you’ll learn EXACTLY what they’re capable of.

🔥TIP: FP&A could be a good career choice for you.

What Interns Should Focus On

Try a bunch of different things.

🔥TIP: Role rotation is a thing for interns and full-time FP&A jobs.

Figure out what you like and double down on it (having fun is important).

Find what you don’t like, and learn to avoid that job in the future.

During this process, keep a continuous learning mindset.

It will come in handy today and in the future.

What Managers of Interns Should Focus On

Assess their hustle (show up first, leave last).

Gauge their curiosity (are they asking questions).

Challenge them (see what they’re capable of).

Get them in front of co-workers and spreadsheets to grow their skills.

🔥TIP: Teach them Excel xlookups on day 1.

Be their mentor (you’ll build a forever relationship).

Conclusion: Internships are FP&A Career Making Machines

Jump-start your FP&A career by doing an internship.

🔥TIP: Here’s how to ace your next FP&A interview.

You’ll be miles ahead of those who don’t (no matter where they go to school).

And hire interns and those with internship experience to support your team.

You’ll make more informed hiring decisions as a result.

Keep learning and having fun.

Stay tuned for our upcoming podcast episodes.

We’ve got many more in the pipeline.

As always, let us know if you have any suggestions or ideas you want us to cover by replying to this. We read and reply to every email.

Now go have fun making an impact on your business and your career!

See you next week 👊

Drew & Yarty
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